When we think about how to measure twitter, sometimes we find the issue of how or which ones are the best KPI's to do this. Here is a list of some terms that can help you out, to check how your twitter is doing.
Also check for more data: http://twitalyzer.com
1.Impact, as defined by Twitalyzer, is a combination of the following factors:
- The number of followers a user has
- The number of unique references and citations of the user in Twitter
- The frequency at which the user is uniquely retweeted
- The frequency at which the user is uniquely retweeting other people
- The relative frequency at which the user posts updates
The use of the term "unique" above indicates that Twitalyzer is focusing on the number of people you are engaged with, as opposed to the depth of conversation. For example if three people retweet you 100 times, the contribution to the retweeting component of the calculation is "3" not "100".
2.Engagement provides a measure of the type of interaction the user has in Twitter by examining the ratio of people referenced by the user to the number of people referencing them.
3.Influence is the likelihood that a Twitter user will either A) retweet something the user has written or B) reference the user. While this definition is similar to clout, influence takes both retweets and references into account, whereas clout only looks at references.
4.Generosity, as defined by Twitalyzer, is the percentage of updates in which a user retweets other people.
5.Clout, as defined by Twitalyzer, is the relative likelihood that an individual's Twitter username will appear when searched for in Twitter.
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